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Monthly Archives: December 2017

If you’ve ever had a canker sore, you know how painful they can be. Canker sores are the result of an autoimmune response by the body that affects the tissues in the mouth. They are often related to stress, lack of sleep, or even certain foods, such as citrus...
With 2018 just around the corner, you’re likely thinking of some New Year’s resolutions you want to make. What better way to improve yourself than to improve your smile? A great smile isn’t just about looks, it’s also about health. A healthy smile tends to both look and feel great! With the...
The New Year is upon us, and you want your smile to look and feel its best. Whether you’re on top of your oral care or you’ve been skipping the dentist for the last few years, everyone deserves to have a healthy and beautiful smile. If you’ve been considering getting your smile...
We all know there are foods that just aren’t good for our teeth. While all foods produce some plaque, there are foods that are more damaging to your teeth than others. These include sugary or sticky foods that can cause plaque that can eventually erode tooth enamel. After eating these foods throughout...
The holidays are a hectic time for many people. With traveling, shopping, and events, it can be easy to lose track of your oral health. However, with all the habits of the holiday season such as drinking alcohol, staying awake for longer, and being under more stress, it’s imperative that you care...
You know these foods—they wedge themselves between your teeth and stay there, waiting for you to floss them out. Besides removing plaque from the teeth, one of the best uses for floss is getting those annoying pieces of food out from odd places in your teeth. The following are some of the...
Your diet influences your oral health more than you think. Research has shown that people—children in particular—are prone to cavities as a result of a diet low in nutrients. What does this mean, exactly? This means that eating whole foods that are rich in nutrients may be able to prevent tooth...
We all know that cleaning our teeth is good for our oral health. Brushing and flossing have not only been proven to fight cavities, but gum disease as well. More research is showing a link between oral health and total wellness, prompting people to take their oral health more seriously as heart...
Overbites happen when the top row of your teeth essentially covers the lower row, especially in the front. These are caused by the unique size and shape of your jaw as well as your teeth, as having too little room for your teeth or too much could cause an overbite. It’s likely...
Dentists get asked this question about porcelain veneers a lot. The reason is because a microscopic amount of tooth enamel needs to be removed in order for the veneer to properly bind to your teeth. This leads many people to wonder if this new enamel loss will impact their tooth sensitivity. So do...