Advanced Technology has Revolutionized Dental Implants

While radiography technology has been around for some time now in the form of X-rays, MRI, and CAT scans, these two-dimensional radiographs are not on the same level as three-dimensional images. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is able to provide three-dimensional images with a beam that’s cone-shaped rather than fan-shaped. How has cone beam technology transformed the way dentist make dental implants?

Know Before You Go

With cone beam technology, there’s no estimation involved as far as measurements go for your dental implants. Your dentist already knows the precise measurements needed—the thickness the dental implant needs to be, your bone quality, and the angle the dental implant will need to be inserted at. This information allows your dentist to perfectly place your dental implant. Knowing the best position for the dental implant before insertion means that there’s no risk for hitting a nerve and no estimating the best position for your dental implant. Your dentist can know and see all this will the cone beam imaging. The imaging is painless and only takes a few seconds. It allows your dentist to see your mouth in 3D and color! The dentist then uses this image with computer software to determine the precise measurements and construct your perfect dental implant, which will be inserted in the best possible position in your mouth.

Faster Healing Time

The cost for cone beam technology is reasonable, and in addition to this, the radiation is exposure is lower as well, therefore reducing your risk for any potential problems with this. The technology is easy to use for your dentist and best of all, you’ll have a faster healing time. When your dentist knows the exact placement of your dental implant before the surgery, this means they are able to make a smaller cut in your mouth because they already know where the dental implant is going and they won’t need to look around in your mouth because they’ve already seen everything on the CBCT scan. Your dental implant will be inserted into its proper position, and your healing time will be faster because you’ll only have had a minor incision in your mouth. The smaller incision combined with the accurate placement of the implant increase the chances of success with your dental implant, meaning there’s an even lower risk for rejection or infection if properly cared for.

With cone beam technology, your dentist will be able to assess the bone quality of your jaw, see all your roots, and be able to provide you with the perfect placement for your dental implant with very minimal risks. This new technology is changing the field of dentistry and helping to bring you better, more accurate care for a successful healthy smile!

Advanced Technology has Revolutionized Dental Implants
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Advanced Technology has Revolutionized Dental Implants
With cone beam technology, your dentist will be able to assess the bone quality of your jaw, see all your roots, and be able to provide you with the perfect placement for your dental implant with very minimal risks.