Can Dental Crowns or Veneers Be an Alternative to Braces?

Can Dental Crowns or Veneers Be an Alternative to Braces?

If you want to improve your smile with dental crowns or veneers, you’re not alone. Many people seek to enhance the health and appearance of their smile, even if they have misaligned teeth and don’t want to get braces.

Veneers and crowns allow qualifying patients to cover their natural teeth and improve their appearance. Dentists use crowns and veneers to correct the size, shape, and color of teeth for patients who want a brighter, more uniform smile.

But can dental crowns or veneers be an alternative to braces? Here’s what you need to know.

Crowns and Veneers Can Eliminate the Need for Braces in Some Patients

Teeth that are mildly crooked or crowded can typically be covered with crowns or veneers to improve their appearance without braces [1]. However, the materials may need to be thicker to compensate for the structure of the teeth and deliver the appearance you want.

Veneers are also an option for patients who have gapped teeth but do not want to get braces to fix them. Veneers can effectively cover the gaps, including a large gap between the front two teeth, and give you the smile you want in less time than with orthodontic treatment [2].

It’s important to remember that crowns or veneers would not correct any orthodontic issues with your teeth. They would only cover your natural teeth and alter your appearance.

When Cosmetic Dentistry Can’t Improve Misaligned Teeth

There are some cases where dental crowns or veneers would not be able to efficiently correct the appearance of misaligned teeth or improve the patient’s quality of life. These may include cases where:

  • An improper bite exists with the misaligned teeth and is causing chronic pain or discomfort.
  • The crowns or veneers would require removing more of the natural tooth structure than is realistic.
  • Other issues are at play besides tooth appearance, such as trouble cleaning the teeth or discomfort.
  • The aesthetic result would not be what the patient wanted.

In cases such as these, getting your teeth straightened with orthodontics may make more sense than covering your natural teeth with crowns or veneers.

The best way to know if crowns or veneers could be an alternative for braces is to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist and an orthodontist to explore your options.

In some cases, both treatments will provide the best results [3]. For example, getting braces before veneers or crowns can help you design your perfect smile with enough room for the restorations and create a strong foundation for them to last as long as possible.

Ask Your Dentist or Orthodontist About Your Options

If you are unhappy with your smile and have considered dental crowns or veneers as an alternative to braces, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist or an orthodontist to explore your options. These dental professionals will review your options with you and help you decide if orthodontic treatment is necessary for getting your dream smile!


Article Name
Can Dental Crowns or Veneers Be an Alternative to Braces?
Veneers and crowns allow qualifying patients to cover their natural teeth and improve their appearance. Dentists use crowns and veneers to correct the size, shape, and color of teeth for patients who want a brighter, more uniform smile. But can dental crowns or veneers be an alternative to braces? Here’s what you need to know.
Lansdowne Dental Associates