Dental implants, the effective tooth replacement that consists of a titanium post and a dental
crown, are the best tooth replacement for many people. Not only are they reliable, durable,
and functional, but they have the potential to last a lifetime.
But do dental implants have the ability to chip or break? Here’s everything you need to know
about your dental implant’s durability in addition to how to prevent any problems with your
tooth replacement.
Yes, It’s Possible
It is possible for your dental implant to chip. While it’s extremely rare for the actual titanium
implant to crack or fracture, the dental crown placed over it does have the potential to become
How does this happen? Dental crowns can become damaged from an injury such as a contact
sport hit or a fall, teeth grinding, or biting down on something hard that you’re not supposed to
bite, such as a nut shell.
Dental implants enable you to have a beautiful smile again with all the security of a natural
tooth. It’s rare for these sturdy replacements to crack, even the dental crown portion, but it is
When to Seek Medical Advice
While a chipped or broken dental crown is not a strict dental emergency, you should still see
your professional dentist as soon as possible. This is because your dental crown will need to be
repaired or replaced.
If you have a broken or cracked crown on your dental implant, you should always seek medical
advice. A dental crown is there to protect your titanium implant and to provide your mouth
with the full functionality of a normal tooth, so getting it restored is a priority.
The process for getting your dental crown replaced will be the same as the first time you
received it. If your dentist office can’t make the crown that same day, you’ll get a temporary
crown in the meantime. If you need a crown repair, it may be as simple as filling in the chip or
break with composite resin!
How to Protect Your Dental Implant
It’s easy to protect your dental implant as well as your other teeth to prevent fractures and
chips. You can follow best practices that include:
Not using your teeth as tools. Your teeth weren’t meant to crack open nuts, open
packages, or bite pencils. Use your teeth for chewing, nothing else!
Wear a mouthguard for bruxism. Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, can cause your
dental crown to fracture or chip. If you grind your teeth, your dentist can fit you with a
mouthguard to ensure your teeth don’t suffer the extreme damage that bruxism can
Get regular checkups. Your professional dentist can provide you with regular checkups
and cleanings to ensure your dental implant and your natural teeth stay healthy and
Protecting your dental implant is simpler than you think when you take good care of your smile!
Whether you have a dental implant or are considering getting one, these sturdy tooth
replacements offer all the advantages of a real tooth. Although the crown on dental implants
does have the potential to chip, taking care of your smile ensures your dental implant will be in
good standing for life!