If you’ve ever considered dental veneers to improve your smile, it’s important to know everything you can about this form of cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are generally considered a non-reversible form of treatment, so you want to be sure you’re making the best decision for your smile!
Although dental veneers—thin yet strong pieces of ceramic designed to look like your natural teeth—are placed over your teeth, they don’t completely protect your natural teeth underneath from tooth decay. You can get a cavity under a dental veneer—and it can negatively affect your smile.
Tooth Decay Can Cause Veneers to Fail
While dental veneers have a low failure rate (less than five percent of patients have their veneers fail within the first five years), tooth decay is among the reasons a dental veneer can be unsuccessful in the long run [1].
Since dental veneers only cover the outer surface of your teeth, the rest of your tooth is still susceptible to decay, although the veneer itself cannot get a cavity. Poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, a history of tooth decay, or improperly placed veneers are all reasons you could get a cavity under a dental veneer.
Other reasons dental veneers can fail include issues with your gums, tooth fractures, and problems with the original placement. Taking care of your veneers to prevent tooth decay and gum disease is going to be instrumental in the health and appearance of your smile!
Keeping Your Veneers Strong Is Important
Although strong and more resistant to staining and damage than your normal teeth, dental veneers are not immune to harm. They can still stain, crack, and chip with abuse, which makes taking care of them all the more important [2].
Keeping up with the health of your natural teeth will support the health of your veneers. You can prevent damage to your teeth as well as your new veneers by doing all the things you would normally do for your teeth and gums: brushing twice daily, flossing, visiting your dentist, and eating healthy. Your dentist can recommend a schedule specific to your unique oral health needs to determine how often you should come in for checkups and cleanings.
Considering Dental Veneers?
While dental veneers can do wonders for the appearance of your smile, it’s important to remember that these dental restorations don’t prevent you from getting cavities. You still need to put the necessary work in to take care of your smile to protect your veneers and keep your teeth and gums healthy. With daily oral care and regular dental visits, you can prevent tooth decay and extend the life of your beautiful new smile!
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3652364/
2. https://www.dentalhealth.org/veneers