Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a harmful condition that millions of people suffer from. Teeth grinding can put significant pressure on your teeth, leading to fractures, gum inflammation, and even loose teeth. Bruxism commonly happens during sleep, but people often experience daytime teeth grinding as well. Fortunately, there are...
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), located on each side of your face just below your ears, is one of the most complex joints in the human body. Thanks to these joints, your jaw can open and close and move from side to side. Without your temporomandibular joints, chewing, speaking, yawning, and laughing would...
Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a damaging oral health condition in which immense pressure is placed on the teeth. Teeth grinding can happen both while awake and asleep, although many people who clench or grind their teeth aren’t aware that they do so. However, getting treatment for...
Bruxism, the medical term for teeth grinding, is a health condition in which a person consciously or unconsciously grinds their teeth together. Bruxism typically happens during sleep, and people who grind their teeth are largely unaware that they have this damaging habit. But what exactly causes bruxism? Here are...
Teeth grinding, also referred to as bruxism, happens when you clench or grind your teeth together. Our teeth actually aren’t meant to touch together, making teeth grinding very damaging to your smile, especially if it occurs frequently over time. Bruxism can be caused by stress, an improper bite, or even...
A tooth that’s painful, aching, or sensitive is not something to be ignored. Toothaches can happen for a variety of reasons and it’s hard to know the exact one without help from your professional dentist. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a toothache, you may have pain accompanied by a persistent bad taste in...
Craniofacial pain can be defined as persistent pain in the face but also includes the neck and head. Patients may feel certain “trigger points” in which the pain is more significant, but mostly patients describe an aching or even a burning or numb feeling when it comes to craniofacial pain. Patients who experience...
Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth, whether knowingly or unknowingly. For most people, bruxism happens during sleep and they’re not even aware that they have this harmful habit. For others, bruxism happens during times of stress while awake, and for others still, they may grind their teeth while both...
A receding gum line happens when the gums pull back from the teeth to expose tooth roots. This recession can not only be unsightly and harmful to the teeth, but painful as well. Gum recession can cause tooth sensitivity and even loose teeth. Receding gums can have several causes. The following are...
Many people have a misaligned bite, but not everyone will have symptoms, or some may have symptoms that are more severe than others. With some patients, an improper bite is apparent through their appearance, but many times, the signs are not so obvious. Here are a few signs and symptoms that might...