Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. This condition can lead to a variety of health issues, including daytime fatigue, cardiovascular problems, and reduced cognitive function.
While continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines have long been the gold standard for treating obstructive...
Craniofacial pain can be defined as persistent pain in the face but also includes the neck and
head. Patients may feel certain “trigger points” in which the pain is more significant, but mostly
patients describe an aching or even a burning or numb feeling when it comes to craniofacial
Patients who experience...
Sleep is essential to so many functions in your body. It helps balance hormones, supports memory processing in the brain, and repairs tissues. Without enough sleep, the immune system can’t function properly, and even brain functions such as problem solving and memory are impaired. But did you know that...
There are many oral diseases that can affect both your mouth and body, some of which aren’t
noticeable until it’s too late. This is why it’s essential to visit your dentist for checkups to get
screened regularly for any problems.
Here are just a few of the diseases people experience and why...
Sleep apnea affects millions of Americans and often goes undiagnosed. This is because sleep apnea has symptoms that can mimic other disorders. From headaches and fatigue to mood swings and depression, sleep apnea might be tricky to diagnose, but it’s so important that you get a proper diagnosis. Besides...
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the individual will actually stop breathing for periods of seconds to minutes during the night. This could happen hundreds of times during the course of a night. While sleep apnea has certain symptoms, many people who have sleep apnea go undiagnosed. If...
Sleep apnea happens when you stop breathing for 10 seconds or more during the night while you sleep. These pauses can happen many times and may last for a minute or longer. This condition is generally considered serious and has different types, including obstructive, central, and complex sleep apnea...
It’s estimated that about 25% of people are chronic snorers . While not everyone who snores will have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), people who snore regularly may suffer from this condition, which causes the airway to become blocked and stop breathing during sleep.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to snoring, but...
Sleep apnea is a damaging sleep disorder in which you actually stop breathing several times
during the night. This may happen only a few times or may happen quite often during your
sleep. Some people stop breathing at hundreds of different points during the night!
Sleep apnea should be evaluated and addressed...
Millions of people suffer from the negative effects of sleep apnea. Today, your dentist can provide the effective treatment for these negative effects with sleep apnea dentistry. This advanced treatment provides solutions to this common condition that can reduce symptoms and help you rest better at night. As many...