Five Fast Facts About Invisalign

Five Fast Facts About Invisalign

Invisalign orthodontic treatment is an innovative form of orthodontics. Instead of having metal braces, patients can instead wear clear aligners that are custom made for their unique smile.

The aligners gently shift teeth into place similarly to braces, but the difference is that Invisalign allows patients to get straighter teeth without worrying about the appearance of braces. Here are five fast facts about Invisalign!

1. Invisalign Can Treat Many Orthodontic Issues

Whether you have a malocclusion (an incorrect bite) or crowded or spaced teeth, Invisalign can treat your orthodontic issue. Invisalign can treat most of the problems that traditional metal braces can, including overbites, underbites, open bites, and crowded or crooked teeth [1]. While there are some issues Invisalign can’t treat, the majority of patients will be candidates for Invisalign.

2. Invisalign May Result in a Faster Treatment Time

The average treatment time for Invisalign is shorter than traditional metal braces. Patients can expect an average treatment time of just 12 to 18 months with Invisalign, whereas traditional braces have an average treatment time of about 20 months [2]. This means you may be able to have your dream smile faster with Invisalign!

3. You Can Easily Remove Invisalign for Cleaning and Eating

One of the best benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners can easily be removed. Although you should wear your aligners for an average of 20 to 22 hours a day, you can remove your aligners to clean them daily and eat all your favorite foods. As a result of being able to remove aligners for cleaning, patients with Invisalign tend to have better periodontal health than those with metal braces [3].

4. You’ll Need to Change Aligners Every Few Weeks

Unlike getting adjustments with metal braces, Invisalign aligners need to be changed at
predetermined intervals to continue shifting teeth into their correct positions. The adjustments could take place in 10 days or it could be up to two or three weeks before you need to change aligners. Your orthodontist will let you know what to expect as far as changing your aligners goes during your consultation.

5. Invisalign Can Boost Your Confidence

Because they aren’t nearly as noticeable as metal braces, Invisalign can boost your confidence. People who don’t want the aesthetics of braces prefer the discreetness of Invisalign [4]. With Invisalign, you can begin getting straighter teeth without worrying that people will notice you’re even getting treatment. As a result, Invisalign can boost your confidence both during and after treatment!

If you’ve been considering orthodontic treatment for your smile, Invisalign offers many benefits over traditional braces, but both can give you the smile you’ve been dreaming of. Ask your orthodontist if you’re a candidate for Invisalign today!

4. Fast Facts About Invisalign

Five Fast Facts About Invisalign
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Five Fast Facts About Invisalign
Invisalign orthodontic treatment is an innovative form of orthodontics. Instead of having metal braces, patients can instead wear clear aligners that are custom made for their unique smile. Here are five fast facts about Invisalign!
First Impression Orthodontics