How Exactly Do Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances Work?

If you have recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be concerned about having to sleep with an oral appliance. However, it is vital that you do so in order to avoid the many complications of untreated sleep apnea. How do these devices work?

When a person with sleep apnea is asleep, their breathing will periodically become obstructed. The patient may not even realize they are awake, but these sleep disruptions result in fewer deep sleep cycles. For some, the fact that sleep apnea complications are long-term means that they don’t feel the need to struggle through wearing a device. Oral appliances, however, are a far more comfortable and easy to use option than CPAP machines. These oral appliances allow you to get a good night’s sleep and avoid those dangers down the road.

Oral Appliance Advantages

Because you have to wear the device while you sleep, comfort is key. After all, what good is a device to help you breathe while sleeping if it keeps you awake half the night in discomfort? Oral appliances have the following advantages over other sleep apnea treatments:

– More comfortable

– Easy to put on and take off

– Quiet – allowing your mate to sleep as well

– Travels easily

– Simple to keep clean

How Does It Work?

The oral appliance is a custom-fit mouthguard that holds the airways open wider while you sleep. This prevents the obstructions that interrupt sleep and often cause snoring (which interrupts your mate’s sleep). This method is usable for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea.

The devices work in one of two ways. Some are designed to keep the tongue from blocking the airway (a common cause of airway obstruction during sleep). The second type gently nudges the lower jaw forward. This holds the airway open wider.

Winning the Fight Against Sleep Apnea

If you are struggling to control your sleep apnea, an oral appliance may be your opportunity to take control. There is no equipment to get tangled up in, it can easily fit in your traveling bags, and there is no blowing air to dry out your throat or sinuses.

The fact is that there are just too many sleep apnea complications to ignore the disease. Sleep apnea can result in hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and an increased risk of diabetes, just to name a few. Even just a few breathing interruptions per hour can cause you to be drowsy throughout the day. Some sufferers experience an obstruction every couple of minutes.

If your diagnosis has revealed that an oral appliance can treat your condition, by all means, make your appointment today. Your oral appliance may add years to your life.

How Exactly Do Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances Work?
Article Name
How Exactly Do Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances Work?
If you have recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be concerned about having to sleep with an oral appliance. However, it is vital that you do so in order to avoid the many complications of untreated sleep apnea. How do these devices work?