Nutrients Most Important for Building a Strong, Healthy Smile

Your oral health is absolutely influenced by what you eat. Your teeth and gums need certain nutrients to remain strong and healthy throughout your life, and if you lack these nutrients in your diet, your oral health can suffer. Teeth can become weaker and more susceptible to damage and loss, and gums can be more prone to inflammation and bleeding.

What are the nutrients most important for building a strong, healthy smile and keeping it that way? The following are the top nutrients for your teeth and gums!


Calcium is one of the most important minerals for your bones and your teeth. In fact, calcium has been shown to slow the rate of bone loss as you age, and can help increase the chances of keeping your teeth throughout your life [1].

You can get calcium through many different foods, including dairy products, fortified plant- based milks and tofu, dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and even fruits such as figs and oranges.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D works with calcium to support both bone and gum health. People who are deficient in vitamin D tend to have higher rates of gum inflammation and gum disease, which highlights the importance of this vitamin in your everyday diet [2].

When looking for foods highest in vitamin D, look for mushrooms, fish, egg yolks, red meat, and even fortified plant-based milks such as soymilk. Your doctor can also advise you if you need to take a vitamin D supplement to get the proper amount in your diet.

Phosphorus Like vitamin D, phosphorus also works with calcium to make strong bones and teeth [3]. Phosphorus is a mineral that makes up about 1% of your total body weight, and it’s used to support proper growth and healing of tissues, including those in your oral cavity! You can find phosphorus in seafood and meats, but if you eat a plant-based diet, you can also find it in nuts and seeds as well as grains such as wheat, oats, and rice.

Vitamin C

Essential for gum health, vitamin C may help prevent bleeding gums, and also helps tissues heal and lower inflammation in the oral cavity—all good things [4]! Getting enough vitamin C is important for your overall health, not just your dental health.

Foods rich in vitamin C include peppers, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables. Since the body doesn’t make vitamin C, it’s important to consume your recommended daily amount for the best benefits.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K, specifically vitamin K2, has been shown to improve the function of saliva when it comes to remineralizing teeth and buffering the teeth against harmful acids and bacteria [5]. As such, vitamin K2 may help prevent tooth decay.

You can find vitamin K2 in animal products such as liver, cheese, egg yolks, and meat, but for people who consume a plant-based diet, it can be found in fermented foods such as natto and sauerkraut.

Are You Getting Enough Nutrients for Your Smile?

Now that you know what nutrients are essential for your smile, are you getting enough of each? Ask your dentist what other healthy practices you can adopt to help your smile stay healthy and strong for life!


Nutrients Most Important for Building a Strong, Healthy Smile
Article Name
Nutrients Most Important for Building a Strong, Healthy Smile
What are the nutrients most important for building a strong, healthy smile and keeping it that way? The following are the top nutrients for your teeth and gums!
Orangevale Dental