Top Reasons Your Tooth May Be Aching

Top Reasons Your Tooth May Be Aching

Teeth aren’t meant to cause pain or discomfort, but when there’s a problem, your tooth will let you know! A toothache can be mildly uncomfortable or severely painful. Whether you have an intermittent toothache or constant pain, your tooth is trying to tell you something. What are the top reasons your tooth may be aching?

You Have a Cavity

Tooth decay is one of the top reasons your tooth may be aching. When you have a cavity, bacteria can enter your tooth, potentially causing an infection and sensitive teeth that may ache. People who have tooth decay may experience spontaneous or constant pain, or the aching may happen following eating and drinking as a result of temperature sensitivity [1].

Fortunately, once your cavity is treated, your tooth will go back to normal and stop causing you discomfort!

You’re Grinding Your Teeth

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is usually done during sleep without the person being aware of it. However, grinding your teeth puts unnatural pressure on your teeth and jaw, which can cause aching teeth. If one of your teeth is aching, that tooth may have received the brunt of the force.

Your dentist can tell if you grind your teeth and help you address the cause to prevent cracked or damaged teeth!

You Have Gum Disease

Your gums help support your teeth, so when there’s a problem with your gums, you can experience problems with your teeth as well. Many people don’t realize that gum disease can cause teeth to feel sensitive or ache [2]. If you have gum disease, you may notice symptoms such as inflamed gum tissue, receding gums, or even loose teeth in addition to aching teeth.

Your Tooth Enamel Is Damaged

Damaged tooth enamel—the outer, protective layer of your teeth—can happen for a variety of reasons. Poor oral hygiene can cause acids and bacteria to attack the tooth enamel, which can wear it away over time. A diet high in refined sugar can also cause tooth enamel erosion.

The result is sensitive teeth that may ache after being exposed to hot or cold foods. For some people, the ache is temporary, but for others, it will remain long after the temperature is gone.v

You Have a Crack in Your Tooth

An injured tooth can cause aching, especially if it’s been fractured. If a cracked tooth isn’t treated, bacteria can reach the inner tissue of your tooth and cause an infection, which can cause a painful toothache. If you know your tooth has been injured recently and it’s aching, it’s best to get it checked out by your dentist. By doing so, you can help prevent the need for an extraction or root canal therapy!

You Have a Tooth Infection

Once your tooth has become infected, you’ll typically need either root canal therapy or an extraction to fix the tooth. While rare, tooth infections can be deadly, so if you’re experiencing a very painful toothache, extreme sensitivity, swelling in your face, a fever, or trouble chewing, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist [3]!

Never Ignore an Aching Tooth!

An aching tooth should always be evaluated by your professional dentist. Even if the aching comes and goes, a problem with your tooth will almost always get worse without treatment.

Contact your dentist today for help with your aching tooth!


Top Reasons Your Tooth May Be Aching
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Top Reasons Your Tooth May Be Aching
Whether you have an intermittent toothache or constant pain, your tooth is trying to tell you something. What are the top reasons your tooth may be aching?
Centreville Dental Wellness Center
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Dr. Jason Abel
Dr. Jason Abel is a dentist at Centreville Dental Wellness Center in Centreville, Virginia. Dr. Abel has taken extensive continuing education in order to stay current and informed in the latest procedures and techniques in dentistry. He is a “Preferred Provider” of Invisalign invisible braces, and enjoys the opportunity to provide a wide range of dental treatment for his patients, including root canals, extractions, dentures, and restorative dentistry.