Top Signs You May Need a Root Canal

Top Signs You May Need a Root Canal

A root canal is a dental restoration that involves cleaning out the inside of your tooth. In a small chamber located in the center of your tooth, there are nerves and blood vessels that help keep your tooth alive and healthy.

Located beneath other layers of tissue and topped off with tooth enamel, you wouldn’t think that this inner material could be affected by much—but too frequently, the nerves of our teeth are impacted by an injury, decay, or another problem.

What are the top signs you might need a root canal as the result of these issues?

You Cracked or Chipped Your Tooth

While a crack or a chip in your tooth might not seem like a big deal, the damage could spread farther than you think. People who crack or chip their teeth and don’t seek treatment may eventually need a root canal [1]. If you know you’ve chipped or cracked your tooth, it’s always best to follow up with your dentist to be sure the damage hasn’t extended down into your tooth’s inner chamber.

You Have a Discolored Tooth

One of the tops signs people notice that could mean a root canal is needed is a discolored tooth. When the nerve tissue inside the tooth begins to die or becomes infected, it can cause the tooth to turn a darker color ranging from gray to black. In cases such as these, root canal therapy can typically restore the tooth to its previous color.

Pain or Swelling in Your Face

If your tooth’s inner tissue becomes infected, you may experience pain or swelling that feels like a toothache. This pain won’t go away on its own, and could mean you need a root canal to fully resolve the problem. If left untreated, this pain or swelling can turn into a dental abscess, which is a swollen area of infection around the affected tooth [2].

Uncomfortable Tooth Sensitivity

Some patients who need a root canal will experience mild to severe tooth sensitivity in the affected tooth or teeth. This could be because injury or decay has caused damage that’s extended to the tooth roots, which is causing all the temperatures of the foods you eat and even the air you breathe to reach the center of your tooth, causing discomfort.

Don’t Ignore These Signs!

You should never ignore any signs that something’s wrong with your teeth. A root canal can save your tooth from extraction, but if put off too long, you may not be able to save your tooth [3]. If you’re experiencing any of these signs or symptoms that you might need a root canal, schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as you’re able!


p Signs You May Need a Root Canal
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p Signs You May Need a Root Canal
A root canal can save your tooth from extraction, but if put off too long, you may not be able to save your tooth. If you’re experiencing any of these signs or symptoms that you might need a root canal, schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as you’re able!
Centreville Dental Wellness Centre