If your teeth or bite are misaligned, you’ll need orthodontic treatment to correct them. For some people, crooked teeth or an improper bite are only cosmetic concerns, but for others, they affect their everyday jaw function and impact their quality of life.
For some patients who have bite or skeletal problems with their jaw that affect their daily function and cause pain, surgical orthodontics may be necessary. Let’s dig a little deeper into what surgical orthodontics is and what it could mean for you!
What Is Surgical Orthodontics?
Surgical orthodontics is a form of orthodontic treatment designed for people who have issues that can’t be corrected with braces or other orthodontic devices alone. Surgical orthodontics can help these people have a shorter treatment time and an improved aesthetic for their orthodontia [1].
For some people who need surgical orthodontics, orthodontic appliances will be used both before and after the surgery to correct the teeth and bite. It’s important to know all your options when pursuing orthodontic treatment so that you can make the best decision for you.
Who Qualifies?
Not everyone will need surgical orthodontics to correct their smile. However, if your upper and lower jaws don’t quite fit together and they prevent you from chewing and speaking properly or without discomfort, it could be time to consult an oral surgeon.
Sometimes surgical orthodontics is necessary for adults whose jaws have fully formed and so are more difficult to maneuver into their proper positions than a child or teenager. Generally, surgical orthodontics is reserved for more severe or challenging orthodontic cases.
You won’t know for certain if you qualify without an exam and consultation with your orthodontist. For some people, the cause of their jaw misalignment will be genetic and have to do with their facial structure, while for others, an injury could have done damage that requires surgery to fix [2].
What to Expect if Surgical Orthodontic Treatment Is Necessary
To determine if you might need surgical orthodontic treatment, you’ll visit your orthodontist, who may refer you to an oral surgeon. If they recommend surgical orthodontics to move forward with your treatment, your oral surgeon and orthodontist will work closely together throughout each phase in the process to achieve your beautiful, functional smile as the end result [3].
Your oral surgeon and orthodontist will design a comprehensive treatment plan that includes predictable outcomes based on your unique facial structure. They’ll discuss with you if you need braces before or after the treatment. If you need braces after, your treatment will usually begin about 4-6 weeks after your procedure.
Is Surgical Orthodontics for You?
To find out if you could need surgical orthodontics to correct your smile and alleviate your jaw pain, schedule an appointment with your experienced dentist who can refer you to an orthodontist or oral surgeon if necessary. Living without jaw pain is possible, and your oral healthcare professionals are here to help you get there!
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28538022
2. https://www.aaoinfo.org/blog/parent-s-guide-post/surgical-orthodontics/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3805731/pdf/10-1055-s-0033-