Reducing added sugar in your diet can have a range of health benefits, and not just for your body. Your oral health can benefit from less sugar, and you’ll likely see less plaque buildup, fewer cavities, and a lower risk of gum disease with this diet change!
But decreasing the amount of added sugar in your diet isn’t easy for many people. Sugar has been shown to be as addictive as drugs such as cocaine [1]. To help you fight those pesky sugar cravings, here are some tricks that can keep you away from sugar and keep your teeth healthy!
Drink Water
The body can misinterpret thirst for hunger, which can lead you to think you’re hungry when really you’re thirsty [2]. When you’re having a craving for sugar, try drinking a glass of water and waiting your craving out for a few minutes. If the craving still doesn’t go away, decide whether it’s time to have a healthy meal or snack in place of a sugary one!
Manage Your Temptations
Managing your temptations can be an instrumental part of fighting your sugar cravings. When grocery shopping, choose healthy foods and snacks, and do your best to keep added sugar out of your cart. Added sugar is present in many foods, from sweetened yogurts to barbeque sauce to salad dressings. But by not keeping sugary snacks or sodas in your home or office, you make it easier to make the right choice when a craving hits.
Eat Enough Fiber
When you feel hungry, it’s easy to want to reach for foods that are immediately rewarding to the brain such as sugar. If you’re reducing your consumption of added sugar, consider adding more fiber to your diet if you need it. Fiber can help you feel full for longer, which may help reduce cravings and help you better manage your hunger [3].
Don’t Avoid Fruit
Fruit is beneficial to your health in ways that sugar isn’t—it provides vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, whereas added sugar is just empty calories [4]. Whole fruit is naturally sweet, although if you’re purchasing dried or canned fruit, be sure to check the label for any sugar added to the product. Fruit can be an excellent addition to your diet to help satisfy your craving for sugar and keep your teeth and gums healthy!
Impress Your Dentist During Your Next Visit!
You can reduce your added sugar consumption and keep your teeth and gums healthy to impress your dentist during your next checkup. If you do choose to indulge in sugar occasionally, be sure to drink water to help reduce sugar’s harsh effect on your teeth, and wait a minimum of 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after eating.
Visiting your dentist can help support a healthy smile and keep your teeth and gums healthy whether you don’t consume added sugar at all, indulge in sugar sometimes, or are still trying to kick a daily sugar habit. Try fighting your sugar cravings with these tips!
1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23719144/
2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322947#drinking-water
3. https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/metabolic-and-bariatric-surgery-
4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22797986/