Watch Out! Common Foods That May Crack Your Teeth

Watch Out! Common Foods That May Crack Your Teeth

Cracked teeth are an unfortunate reality for many patients, and the culprit is often food! When accidentally or intentionally biting down on one of the following foods, you could be at risk to crack your teeth.

While a cracked tooth may not seem like a big deal, cracks can start out small and eventually extend beneath the gumline, which can require the need for a root canal or even a tooth extraction [1]. Your best bet is to use caution when eating the following foods to protect your smile!

Kernels and Seeds

While seeds are generally healthy for you, containing protein and essential fatty acids, and may seem harmless, they can be damaging to teeth. Popcorn kernels that failed to pop are another big culprit, but the shells of sunflower seeds can also crack your teeth. Other seeds could include toasted seeds on breads and crackers or other dishes.


Nuts and their shells can be very hard on teeth. You should never try to crack open a nut shell with your teeth; always use the appropriate tool. Almonds and macadamia nuts tend to be harder than walnuts or peanuts, but be careful when consuming any type of nut. Both raw and toasted nuts have the potential to crack teeth!

Fruit Pits

Fruit pits are extremely hard and can damage teeth if you accidentally bite into them. Fruit pits are found in the drupe category of fruits, which include:

  • Cherries
  • Nectarines
  • Olives
  • Peaches
  • Plums

If you’re worried about damaging your teeth on the pits of these fruits, you can always buy pitted olives, and you can slice fruits to ensure you won’t be biting into a hard pit and accidentally crack your teeth!

Hard Breads

Harder breads such as biscotti and baguettes can damage teeth to the point of cracking. Toasted breads, hard pretzels, and hard crackers can all potentially cause a cracked tooth. Some parts of these bread products may be harder than others. If you enjoy eating breads or products such as hard pretzels and crackers, use caution when eating them to protect your teeth.


While not technically a food like nuts or fruits, ice is one of the worst culprits when it comes to damaging teeth [2]. Chewing on ice is a bad habit that can crack your teeth, so it’s best to give up this practice altogether to prevent a potential tooth injury that can jeopardize your smile.

Your Dentist Is Here to Help With Cracked Teeth

While strong, healthy teeth can generally resist damage from accidentally biting down on hard foods, for some, biting down with too much pressure and having a weak tooth (such as from tooth decay) can create the perfect environment for a crack. Never ignore a cracked tooth, even if you believe the crack is minor—it could eventually lead to tooth loss. Follow up with your experienced dentist if you believe you’ve cracked your tooth to save your smile!


Watch Out! Common Foods That May Crack Your Teeth
Article Name
Watch Out! Common Foods That May Crack Your Teeth
Cracked teeth are an unfortunate reality for many patients, and the culprit is often food! When accidentally or intentionally biting down on one of the following foods, you could be at risk to crack your teeth.
Orangevale Dental