What Are the Greatest Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign is one of the most popular alternatives to traditional braces. These sets of clear trays are
custom-made to perfectly fit your teeth and gradually shift them into their correct positions over a
period of time.

In addition to straightening your teeth, Invisalign has several other benefits over regular braces. With
everything this orthodontic option offers, it’s no wonder so many people choose Invisalign to get their
dream smile. What are some of the greatest benefits of Invisalign?

More Confidence

Invisalign is an ideal choice for adults who don’t want their professional or personal lives to be impacted
by metal braces. With traditional braces, you may have to see the brackets and wires for a few years
until your treatment is complete.

This isn’t so with Invisalign. Your treatment with these clear aligners is virtually invisible, allowing you to
have confidence while your smile is getting straightened and looking better every day. No need to worry
about others noticing your treatment— they’ll just see the results!

Better Hygiene

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign’s clear aligners are completely removable. This makes cleaning
your teeth much the same as it was before you began receiving Invisalign treatment. You can easily
remove the aligners for daily cleaning and can even brush them separately along with your teeth during
your regular oral care routine.

In addition to facilitating better hygiene, Invisalign can help you avoid the risk of increased gum disease,
plaque, and bad breath that can come with regular braces. Braces are notoriously difficult to clean and
will take extra time and extra tools to clean properly.With Invisalign, you simply remove your trays and
clean daily!

No Food Restrictions

Invisalign aligners aren’t just removed for cleaning—they should also be removed when eating. One of
the biggest benefits of Invisalign is that you won’t have to avoid any particular foods just because your
teeth are receiving orthodontic treatment. You can still enjoy any crunchy or sticky foods that you love
when receiving Invisalign treatment—just be sure to take your aligners out before eating!

Shorter Time to a Better Smile

Although metal braces can take years to properly straighten your smile, the average treatment time for
Invisalign is just one year. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s treatment time will be
different, but the average length of treatment for Invisalign is less than that of regular braces.

In addition, Invisalign aligners also allow you to enjoy fewer visits to your orthodontist, as your aligners
won’t need to be adjusted in the same way that traditional braces do. Instead, you’ll simply swap out
the aligners as directed by your Invisalign provider to enjoy a straighter smile with less time at the
orthodontist’s office.

Have you been considering getting orthodontic treatment for your smile but hate the idea of braces?
Ask your orthodontist if Invisalign would be an option for you to help your smile be as beautiful and
healthy as you always imagined it to be. With better hygiene, a shorter treatment time, and no food
restrictions, Invisalign makes getting a perfect smile easier!

What Are the Greatest Benefits of Invisalign?
Article Name
What Are the Greatest Benefits of Invisalign?
With everything this orthodontic option offers, it’s no wonder so many people choose Invisalign to get their dream smile. What are some of the greatest benefits of Invisalign?