When Dental Implants Are the Right Choice

When Dental Implants Are the Right Choice

Dental implants are extremely versatile tooth replacement options. These sturdy restorations consist of a titanium, or sometimes ceramic, post that fuses with your jawbone. Once the fusion is complete, a dental crown is attached to the end.

Although dental implants are quickly becoming the standard for replacing missing teeth, when are they the right choice to restore your smile? Let’s take a look at everything dental implants can do!

For a Single Missing Tooth

If you’re missing a single natural tooth, a dental implant can fill the space, preventing the remaining teeth from shifting and providing you with a secure and natural-looking replacement.

Even if you don’t have enough jawbone to support a traditional dental implant, you may be able to qualify for a mini dental implant, which takes up less space and has lower jawbone density requirements [1]. Or, you may be able to get a bone graft, which helps build up the bone in your jaw to support a regular dental implant.

A dental implant will blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. Your dentist will fabricate your dental crown to look just like your other teeth, giving you an appearance you can be confident about for many years to come!

For Several Missing Teeth

Dental implants don’t just have the ability to replace a single missing tooth—they can also replace several missing teeth. Instead of opting for a dental bridge or partial dentures, you can replace a few missing teeth with dental implants.

You may have the option of going with an implant-supported bridge, in which one or two implants can support a bridge for several missing teeth in a row. Or, you may also have the option of replacing an entire row of teeth with what are called all-on-four dental implants, in which four or six implants are placed to support a fabricated permanent tooth structure [2]. Either way, dental implants can replace other forms of tooth restorations that require more maintenance over time!

For a Completely New Smile

If you’re missing all of your natural teeth, you don’t necessarily have to get a single dental implant to replace every missing tooth. Instead, you can opt for all-on-four dental implants, or you may have the option of getting an implant-supported denture, which uses more dental implants than all-on-four and is sometimes referred to as a bar-retained overdenture [3].

These tooth replacement options are very different than dentures, however. While both can transform your smile, options with dental implants are more secure, last for much longer, and offer the security of a realistic-looking smile that people feel comfortable and confident about.

What Can Dental Implants Do for You?

Dental implants have come a long way since their inception, and can work for a variety of dental cases where tooth restoration is necessary. Are dental implants the right choice for your particular situation? Ask your dentist what dental implants can do for you during your next consultation!

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513266/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5347302/
3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11203620/

When Dental Implants Are the Right Choice
Article Name
When Dental Implants Are the Right Choice
Although dental implants are quickly becoming the standard for replacing missing teeth, when are they the right choice to restore your smile? Let’s take a look at everything dental implants can do!
Leesburg Family & Cosmetic Dentistry