Why It’s Crucial to Detect Dental Diseases Early

There are many oral diseases that can affect both your mouth and body, some of which aren’t
noticeable until it’s too late. This is why it’s essential to visit your dentist for checkups to get
screened regularly for any problems.

Here are just a few of the diseases people experience and why it’s crucial to detect them early!

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which your airway becomes blocked while
sleeping, causing you to gasp for breath and eventually awaken to get oxygen into your body.
Sleep apnea has devastating effects on the body. It can not only lead to a shortened life span,
but it can also cause high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, depression, and many more
problems. In addition, dry mouth is common in people with sleep apnea, which can cause
enamel damage.

For many people, obstructive sleep apnea can be treated with a simple oral sleep appliance
that’s fitted by your dentist. When you catch this disorder early, you help prevent the many
other problems and diseases this disorder can cause, including gum disease!

Gum Disease

During gum disease, your gums become inflamed due to an ongoing infection that the body is
fighting against. This can not only tax your immune system, but cause gum recession, gum
bleeding, and eventually, loose teeth.

While the early stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is reversible, more advanced stages of gum
disease are much harder to treat and may eventually become impossible to completely reverse.
This is why catching this oral disease is so important—the sooner you seek treatment, the more
successful the outcome will be.


Bruxism is the technical term for teeth grinding. Grinding your teeth puts immense pressure on
your pearly whites, which can cause them to fracture, chip, and eventually, wear completely

People who experience bruxism commonly do so while sleeping, but some people experience this disorder during their waking hours as well.

Fortunately, bruxism is easily treated with a nightly mouth guard as well as stress-reducing
techniques that can help you become conscious of your teeth grinding and work to stop it
before it runs your smile.

Since bruxism can cause gum inflammation, enamel damage, sensitive teeth, and even tooth
loss, it’s imperative to seek treatment from your dentist if you think you grind your teeth.
Symptoms include jaw pain, aching facial muscles, tooth sensitivity, and worn-down teeth.

Oral Cancer

Over 50,000 people this year will get oral cancer. These cancers include cancers of the mouth,
throat, and tongue. Although smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for oral cancer, the truth
is that anyone can get this disease.

Oral cancer screenings should happen yearly. During these screenings, your dentist will check
for any abnormal signs in and around your mouth, including white or red lesions, sores that
won’t heal, or lumps on your face or neck. These screenings are simple, painless, and can help
you catch oral cancer early.

If your dentist spots the cancer early, an 83% survival rate is estimated. Compare this to the
38% survival rate for oral cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Catching this
disease early could mean the difference between life and death!

When was the last time you visited your dentist? Your dentist can help you spot and treat oral
diseases early before they have a chance to impact your health. When it comes to diseases like
oral cancer and gum disease, timing is of the essence, so don’t wait to seek help!

Why It’s Crucial to Detect Dental Diseases Early
Article Name
Why It’s Crucial to Detect Dental Diseases Early
When was the last time you visited your dentist? Your dentist can help you spot and treat oral diseases early before they have a chance to impact your health.