What Is a Sinus Lift and When Is It Needed?

What Is a Sinus Lift and When Is It Needed?

A sinus lift is a procedure where the sinus floor is raised, and bone is augmented in the back of the jaw. Sinus lifts, also called sinus augmentation, may be necessary prior to dental implant treatment.

People missing teeth at the rear of their upper jaw may require a sinus lift before considering dental implants. But why exactly would this be needed?

Here, we discuss the details of a sinus lift and when it is necessary for patients seeking dental implant treatment.

What Happens During a Sinus Lift?

During a sinus lift, the floor of your sinuses in the back of your mouth is repositioned during a surgical procedure. If necessary, your oral surgeon will also do a bone graft by depositing a small amount of bone underneath the new sinus floor at the same time. This bone will integrate with your natural bone and provide a strong foundation for supporting dental implants.

A sinus lift can increase the chances of dental implant success for patients who are missing bone in their jaw after losing their natural teeth in the back of their mouths [1]. So when exactly is a sinus lift needed before getting dental implants?

Missing Bone Around Molars and Premolars

Patients who have been missing a molar or premolar for a year or more may require a sinus lift and bone augmentation before getting dental implants. Missing teeth may be enough to cause bone loss, but gum disease may also be a potential cause.

Some patients who have had cleft palate may also be missing bone in this area. Your dentist can assess the volume and quality of bone near your sinuses with X-rays or a CT scan to determine if a sinus lift and bone augmentation may be needed.

A Low Sinus Floor

Some patients naturally have a lower sinus floor than others, making dental implant placement in the rear of the jaw challenging. Although a patient may not have lost bone in this area, sinus augmentation may still be necessary for appropriate dental implant placement.

However, some patients may have both a low sinus floor and lost bone, which would require a sinus lift and a bone graft before placing dental implants [2]. So if you have sinuses very close to your tooth roots in the back of your mouth, sinus augmentation makes dental implants a viable restoration option.

What to Expect If You Need a Sinus Lift

There are several techniques used to accomplish a sinus lift [3]. An internal sinus lift is a conservative procedure requiring a minor lift. In some cases, implants may be able to be placed simultaneously.

An external sinus lift is for patients who have lost a great deal of bone below the sinus floor, so implants cannot be placed at the same time. Your oral surgeon will let you know which method is necessary based on your unique anatomy and bone quality.

Sinus lifts generally take one to two hours, and healing takes a few weeks. Sinus lifts do not change the way you breathe or the function of your sinuses, and once you are fully healed, you’ll be ready for dental implants.

Do You Need a Sinus Lift?

Patients who need a sinus lift can benefit greatly from this procedure to maximize their chances of dental implant success. The only way to know if you need sinus augmentation is to get a thorough exam and X-rays with an experienced dentist or oral surgeon. A sinus lift makes dental implant placement possible for patients with a low sinus floor or those missing bone below their sinuses so they can have a durable and beautifully restored smile.

1. https://www.perio.org/for-patients/periodontal-treatments-and-procedures/dental-
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4233423/
3. https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.005447.php

What Is a Sinus Lift and When Is It Needed?
Article Name
What Is a Sinus Lift and When Is It Needed?
People missing teeth at the rear of their upper jaw may require a sinus lift before considering dental implants. But why exactly would this be needed? Here, we discuss the details of a sinus lift and when it is necessary for patients seeking dental implant treatment.
Elite Prosthetic Dentistry