Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the most magical days of your life, but when you’re worried about how your smile will look in your wedding photos, anxiety can outweigh joy on this special day. Fortunately, you have several cosmetic dentistry options to create your dream smile and make your perfect day even better! The following options are your best cosmetic dentistry choices for your wedding day.
Professional Teeth Whitening
If it’s not your teeth’s physical appearance that you’re worried about but rather the stains or uneven coloring, a professional teeth whitening can work wonders for your smile! This procedure generally takes around an hour at your local dentist’s office and can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth. If you only want a subtle whitening, your dentist can customize the color you want to be only a few shades whiter—the choice is yours! A professional whitening can remove stains, help improve the appearance of white spots, and provide an even white shade to every tooth in your smile.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers can transform deeply-stained smiles, uneven or worn teeth, and even gapped teeth. They’re extremely strong yet thin and cover your existing teeth to provide you with a restored smile that’s resistant to both stains and decay. Porcelain veneers are permanently adhered to your teeth and can completely makeover your smile in just a couple visits to your dentist office. Ask your dentist if porcelain veneers would be the best cosmetic dentistry option for your wedding day smile!
Tooth Bonding
Do you have cracked or chipped teeth? Even a tooth that’s slightly chipped can throw off the appearance of your entire smile. Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth can be repaired through dental bonding. This procedure uses a composite material that’s expertly matched to your existing tooth color. The material is bonded to your teeth using a special light and polished to look just like your natural tooth. A tooth bonding procedure can repair broken teeth in one easy visit to your dentist!
Dental Crowns
If your tooth is cracked too deeply to be repaired with dental bonding or is in need of a more intensive restoration, a dental crown can protect and cover your tooth to provide a fully functional and natural-looking smile! Teeth that are heavily damaged may benefit from the protection and appearance of dental crowns. These caps effectively cover your existing tooth and are adhered to your tooth to provide a healthy, completely restored smile. Talk to your dentist to discover if your smile could benefit from dental crowns for your big day.
You’ll always remember your wedding day—so have a smile that your guests will remember for years to come. Your beautifully restored smile will make your wedding day unforgettable and make you smile big for your pictures! Schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options. You won’t regret getting the smile of your dreams not just for your big day, but for the rest of your life!