What Happens if You Don’t Replace a Missing Tooth?

What Happens If You Don’t Replace A Missing Tooth?

Patients who are missing teeth can have their self-confidence impacted by the thought that they no longer have a complete smile. It is common to feel irritated with the associated loss of function that they are experiencing when they try to eat crunchy or tough foods. While difficulty eating and aesthetics may be patients’ main problems, a bigger concern is the dental issues that can develop in case the patient does not seek treatment for replacing the missing teeth. Missing multiple teeth or a single tooth can have a long term detrimental impact on one’s overall dental health, so it is high;y recommended to treat this problem as early as possible in order to avoid additional dental health problems, which can include:

  • Increased Risk of Gum Disease and Decay

Patients with a missing tooth are at higher risk of developing decay and gum disease because food can stuck in the gap, which has been left by the missing tooth.

  • Jaw Misalignment

Patients that are missing teeth will notice that their bite and potentially their jaw alignment are now impacted by the gap where their teeth once resided. This ultimately has effects on the way that your jaw closes and opens and tends to get worse with time. The patient is at increased risk of developing a TMJ disorder if missing teeth are not replaced.

  • Shifting of the Teeth

In case you do not replace your missing teeth, the remaining teeth will start to shift in order to fill the gap. The teeth lean as they shift, resulting in more problems with food consumption and jaw alignment.

  • Bone Loss

As soon as the patient loses his tooth, the supporting jawbone starts to deteriorate. This process of deterioration is known as resorption. The longer patients delay replacing the missing tooth, the greater potential for bone loss.


Permanent Solutions for Replacing Missing Teeth

The solution for replacing missing teeth depends upon 2 factors.

  • how many teeth are required to be extracted
  • how many teeth are already missing

You have the option to choose between dental implants and dental bridges or simply a combination of both for getting rid of this problem a permanently.

  • Dental bridges

Dental bridges replace your missing tooth with an artificial tooth. It looks great, and also bridges the gap between your teeth. The restoration can be made from porcelain, alloys, gold or a combination of these materials.

  • Dental Implants

A dental implant is a procedure in which an artificial root is implanted in the patient’s jaw for replacing a missing tooth.  After this, a replacement tooth is placed on the artificial root, which is similar to the look and feel of a tooth. Dental implants are a perfect and ideal solution and it the most advanced procedure of replacing missing teeth.


After an examination, your dentist can explain the treatment options that are best suited to provide a long-term solution for one or more missing teeth, and help restore and maintain your overall oral health.

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What Happens if You Don't Replace a Missing Tooth?
While difficulty eating and aesthetics may be patients’ main problems, a bigger concern is the dental issues that can develop from not replacing missing teeth.