Losing Baby Teeth: How Soon Is Too Soon?

It seems your child’s baby teeth come in only a few years before they lose them! Losing teeth can be an exciting time for your child, but how do you know what’s normal when it comes to losing those baby teeth?

Children typically begin losing their primary teeth around age 6, but the time can be different for every child. Generally, all the teeth are lost by age 13 and your child will have all their permanent teeth in. But what if your child starts losing teeth sooner than age 6? How soon is too soon?

The Earliest Age to Lose Teeth Is…

Although every child is unique, dentists generally advise that anytime before age 4 ½ is too soon for your child to be losing teeth. If your child got their teeth in early, they may lose their teeth earlier than other children. If your child loses his or her first tooth before they reach the age of 4 ½, it’s best to get a checkup with your dentist. However, you should also see your dentist if your child loses a tooth before age 6, even if the age of 4 ½ is still considered to be normal. This will help ensure your child’s smile is ready for their permanent teeth!

Get X-Rays from Your Dentist

Taking your child to the dentist for x-rays ensures that their permanent teeth are on their way in and that your child’s early tooth loss won’t impact their permanent smile. If your child lost his or her first tooth early but the permanent tooth is nowhere in sight, this could be a problem. Your dentist can help you determine if your child’s tooth was ready to come out and if the permanent tooth is on its way in! If your child lost his or her first tooth due to decay or trauma, treatment may be needed to ensure a healthy smile.

Always Get Regular Checkups

Getting regular checkups is always important for your child’s smile. Your dentist can ensure your child’s teeth are healthy and coming in properly with every visit. He or she will also check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth and bite structure. If your child loses his or her teeth early, the permanent teeth should be in sight to ensure the tooth loss was natural and not caused by a problem such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Remember that while every child is different, it’s best to get your child’s teeth checked out by your dentist when they lose their first tooth, regardless of what age that happens. If your child loses a tooth before age 6, your dentist will need to ensure that the permanent teeth are on their way in so your child’s mouth doesn’t have problems as he or she grows up.

Visiting the dentist is often an exciting time for children, and learning about healthy teeth and gums is always relevant. When your child begins to lose their primary teeth, schedule a visit with your dentist to ensure a healthy permanent smile is on its way!

Losing Baby Teeth: How Soon Is Too Soon?
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Losing Baby Teeth: How Soon Is Too Soon?
It seems your child’s baby teeth come in only a few years before they lose them! Losing teeth can be an exciting time for your child, but how do you know what’s normal when it comes to losing those baby teeth?