Looking to fix a Gap in your teeth? Consider your dental treatment options

Do you have a gap in your teeth that often is the first thing people notice about your smile? Does that gap make you hesitate to smile in front of others? If the answers are yes, then you should consider the proven and effective cosmetic dental treatments that can correct your teeth and give you the smile you want.

When you smile, you should feel confident, attractive and, of course, happy, but having gaps in your teeth can make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed. You may have gaps due to tooth loss caused by gum disease or trauma, an imbalance between your jaw bones and the size of your teeth or even because of poor habits, like sucking your thumb as a child. Whatever the reason for your gapped teeth, they can be fixed by your dentist so you can smile with confidence.

Eliminating Gaps with Cosmetic Veneers

[media-credit id=8 align=”alignleft” width=”179″]After Porcelain Veneers[/media-credit]

Dental veneers can redefine a smile by closing gaps and fixing other imperfections, like stained, misaligned or misshapen teeth. Made of very thin shells of porcelain or resin, veneers are custom-made for a natural and comfortable feel. Their individual design means they match your natural teeth perfectly. No one will ever know they are there, and you may even forget about them yourself. Durable and long-lasting, veneers are bonded directly to the teeth, making them a great solution for people who avoid flashing their pearly whites due to unsightly gaps.

Filling Gaps with Dental Bonding

Dentists can also fill in gaps using a special bonding material on just one single tooth or on multiple teeth. During the procedure, the dentist chooses a shade of the material that perfectly matches the tooth’s natural shade, then bonds it permanently to the enamel. Once the bonding material has set and dried, the dentist polishes and shapes it to create a balanced, gap-free smile.

Crowns and Bridges to Eliminate Gaps

If your gap is caused by tooth loss, your dentist may fill the space using crowns or bridges.

All of these dental solutions look and feel completely natural and, with proper care, can last a lifetime. The correct course of treatment can be determined after your appointment with your dentist, and in short order your gap in your smile will be no more and you’ll be smiling with confidence.

Article Name
Looking to fix a Gap in your teeth? Consider your dental treatment options
Consider the proven and effective cosmetic dental treatments that can correct a gap in your teeth and give you the smile you want.