Natural Remedies to Help Soothe a Toothache

Pain in the teeth or gums is usually caused by an abscess, a damaged tooth or a cavity. Although you can temporarily ease your pain with natural remedies, you’ll need to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to get the underlying cause of the pain treated. There are several things you can do to get temporary relief from tooth pain.


One reliable treatment for oral pain is garlic. Garlic is especially helpful for tooth abscesses. Garlic can inhibit the growth of bacteria, thus easing the pain of the infection. You can put one or two cloves in your mouth and chew them. You can also create a paste by mashing a clove and adding a little salt. This treatment of using garlic for tooth abscess is effective, but it is also unpleasant for people who dislike the smell and taste of garlic. Don’t be surprised if you have to put up with a few vampire jokes.

Warm Salt Water

Warm salt water helps pain all around the mouth. It is especially useful for cavities because it slows decay. For the best results, mix one-half teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of warm water. Swish it around your mouth, focusing on the area where the pain is worst. After about thirty minutes, spit the water out. Do not swallow the salt water as that may make you sick to your stomach. Remember that the water should be warm so that it soothes and relieves, not so hot that it burns the inside of your mouth.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a remedy that numbs pain for about thirty minutes. You can wash your hands, stick your clean finger in the clove oil, and gently rub it into the sore area. You can also soak some cotton balls in the oil and place the cotton balls into your mouth until you feel the sore spot start to go numb.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide works best if the pain is the result of a bacterial infection. It doesn't just wash the bacteria away like some remedies – it attacks it and kills it. To treat oral pain, buy a three percent solution. Swish the solution around in your mouth for about thirty seconds. Then spit out the solution and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Do not repeat the treatment more than two times in 24 hours.


An ice pack is one of the easiest ways to ease an aching tooth, though its effects are short lasting. The best method is to put a cube of ice in a plastic bag. You may want to crush the cube so you don’t have to endure sharp edges. Wrap a piece of thin cloth around the plastic bag. Press the ice against the hurting tooth for about 15 minutes until the numbness sets in. Alternatively, press the ice pack against your cheek. You can repeat this treatment as often as you need to.


Bourbon, like any other kind of alcohol can cause temporary numbness. Pour a small amount of bourbon onto a cotton ball and place it against your hurting tooth. The relief lasts only until the alcohol evaporates. This absolutely is not a remedy for babies or young children. Even the smallest amount of alcohol can lead to nausea, vomiting and seizures. Of course, it's also never a good idea to dry to drink away your misery. Drinking alcohol does not decrease the pain and drinking too much can lead to addiction and other illnesses.


A toothache can make you absolutely miserable. It often disrupts sleep and causes problems at work as well. Of course, the best thing to do is to see a dentist right away. Most dentists are willing to squeeze you in for emergency care. Until you can see your dentist, thought, the remedies described above can help soothe your teeth and gums.

Author Mike Jones is passionate about natural living and alternative treatments. Mike tries to find new ways to treat himself with herbs and plants.

Natural remedies to Help Soothe a Toothache
Article Name
Natural remedies to Help Soothe a Toothache
Although you can temporarily ease your pain with natural remedies, you'll need to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to get the underlying cause of the pain treated. There are several things you can do to get temporary relief from tooth pain.