The Best Halloween Treats for Your Teeth

It’s October again, a happy time for adults and children alike as they head out to trick-or-treat and enjoy the holiday festivities. However, dentists know that this time of year can wreak absolute havoc on the health and appearance of our smiles. If you don’t want to take a vacation from taking care of your smile this Halloween, can you still enjoy some sweets? Sure you can! Here are some suggestions for enjoying the holiday without destroying an entire year’s worth of oral care.

Treats That Aren’t So Bad for Your Smile

First of all, remember that you can have something sweet without coating your teeth in refined sugar. Try a frozen fruit snack that is made with actual fruit. This may not be something you can give out at the door, but at least you can have one or two to calm your craving as you see all the candy changing hands.

Next, you may consider salty treats over sweet ones. This is a great time to treat yourself to some pretzels or popcorn instead of the usual holiday fare. It’s still a nice treat, and you’ll still have to floss those popcorn kernels out from between your teeth, but at least there isn’t any sugar.

Finally, get some sugar-free treats like certain brands of gum or lollipops. They may use artificial sweeteners (which also are not great for your teeth), but at least they aren’t loaded with sugar. Plus, gum and hard candies cause a person to salivate. This keeps the mouth from drying out and delays the amount of time it takes for plaque to harden into tartar.

If you absolutely have to have chocolate, dark chocolate is the best for you. It has less sugar than white or milk chocolate, and many enjoy the flavor of dark chocolate more anyway. Just avoid chocolate that has a chewy filling such as caramel. If you have to have a filling in your chocolate, go for a peanut butter cup. That’s probably the least of the evils as far as your teeth are concerned.

Treats to Avoid

Now that you have a list of things to enjoy, here are a couple of things to make sure you avoid. First of all, stay away from sticky treats such as caramel and taffy. Also, avoid large, hard candies like jawbreakers. They should really call them “toothbreakers.” Gummy candies are also high in sugar and stick in the teeth making them a recipe for cavities.

However, as always, enjoy your time with loved ones and snack safely!

The Best Halloween Treats for Your Teeth
Article Name
The Best Halloween Treats for Your Teeth
If you don’t want to take a vacation from taking care of your smile this Halloween, can you still enjoy some sweets? Sure you can! Here are some suggestions for enjoying the holiday without destroying an entire year’s worth of oral care.