Top Signs of Wisdom Tooth Infection

Although approximately 85% of people will need to have their wisdom teeth removed at some
point, some people won’t have a problem with these third molars and will leave them in.
Wisdom teeth erupt anywhere starting from age 17 to age 25, so as an adult, you’ll be
responsible for getting your wisdom teeth evaluated.

When your wisdom teeth don’t have room to come in all the way, they may only erupt through
the gums partially, or push horizontally against the other teeth. Either way, these impacted
wisdom teeth can cause damage through crowding or problems with the gum tissue. Partially
erupted wisdom teeth can cause bacteria to grow, causing pericoronitis, or an infection in your
wisdom teeth.

What are the signs of a wisdom tooth infection? Here’s what you need to look out for!

Red Swollen Gums

If you’re able to see your wisdom teeth in the back of your mouth, you may notice red,
inflamed gums around one or more of your wisdom teeth if you have an infection. Although
you may or may not see any pus, the swelling or tenderness in that area may make it
uncomfortable for you to bite down properly. Puffy gum tissue around the infected site and
redness may be signs of pericoronitis.

Bad Taste or Smell in Your Mouth

One sign of an infection in your oral cavity is a foul taste in your mouth or a bad smell. In
addition to this, you may also see pus coming from the gum tissue near the infected tooth. This
taste will return after brushing and will normally persist until the infection is taken care of. If
you notice these signs, be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist to evaluate the

Swollen Lymph Nodes or Fever

If your infection is more severe, you may have swollen lymph nodes just below your chin, which
usually indicates that your body is trying to fight off an infection. You may also have a fever or
chills, and additional swelling on the side of your face with your affected tooth. Some people
even experience jaw muscle spasms. All of these are signs that you need to get checked out to
determine what’s causing the problem.

How Periocoronitis Is Treated

In order to make the infection go away, you’ll need to have your dentist properly clear the
infection, and you’ll likely need to be on antibiotics. You may also need to have your wisdom
teeth extracted, or have gum tissue around the area removed so that the infection doesn’t
return. Your dentist will discuss the best options for your treatment with you once your
symptoms are evaluated and a diagnosis is made.

Are you experiencing signs of wisdom tooth infection? If your wisdom teeth are still intact and
you’ve been seeing any of these signs, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Since oral infections can get into the bloodstream, it’s imperative that you get the problem
addressed as soon as possible. Get your wisdom teeth checked out if you have these signs!

Top Signs of Wisdom Tooth Infection
Article Name
Top Signs of Wisdom Tooth Infection
Are you experiencing signs of wisdom tooth infection? If your wisdom teeth are still intact and you’ve been seeing any of these signs, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.