What Can I Do to Strengthen My Tooth Enamel?

Your smile can look healthy while still having weak tooth enamel. Your tooth enamel is the hardest
substance in the human body and protects your teeth from decay and damage. Although weak enamel
can sometimes result in tooth discoloration, this doesn’t always happen.

Tooth enamel can be weakened through a variety of means, such as aggressive brushing, acidic foods
such as sugar, and genetics. Enamel can’t grow back or be replaced, so it’s imperative to protect your
tooth enamel while you can.

So how can you strengthen tooth enamel?

Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar is the enemy of your tooth enamel. It works quickly with the bacteria in your mouth to eat away
at tooth enamel. Sugar is present in sweets such as cakes and candy to simple carbohydrates such as
white break or crackers. Minimizing your sugar intake can be helpful to strengthening your tooth

If you want to enjoy sweets from time to time, be sure to drink water with your food and rinse your
mouth out afterwards. Water can act as a buffer between your tooth enamel and the harmful acidic
sugar, so it can help curb damage.

Get Enough Nutrients

Having a nutritious diet is the pinnacle of having strong tooth enamel. Be sure to get an adequate
amount of calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help keep your
tooth enamel healthy.

Fluoride, whether consumed in drinking water or in dental care products, can help strengthen your
teeth and protect against the cavities that often come with enamel damage. You can talk with your
dentist about your sources of fluoride and whether or not they’re appropriate for your smile.

Brush Properly

Although brushing your teeth is important to prevent oral health problems, brushing the right way is
essential. Here are some crucial tips to follow to protect your tooth enamel while brushing:

 Never brush aggressively. Hard brushing isn’t needed to get the plaque off. Be gentle!

 Wait 30 minutes to brush. If you’ve just eaten, wait at least a half hour before brushing your
teeth to prevent enamel damage.

 Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Again, those firm bristles just aren’t needed to get your smile

In addition to all these things, you should brush twice a day and don’t forget to floss! Dental checkups
can also help you to have strong enamel.

Get Treatment

If you have any oral health problems, it’s essential to get treatment to protect your enamel. For
example, grinding your teeth is extremely damaging to your enamel. Your dentist can help treat this
problem to protect your smile. Gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues can all impact the
health of your enamel. Whatever it is, getting treatment may be able to help protect your enamel from
further damage.

How healthy is your enamel? Your dentist can take a look at your smile and tell just how healthy your
tooth enamel is and if you need to take protective measures to keep it healthy. Everyone can
incorporate the above tips to strengthen enamel and have a stunning smile for life!

What Can I Do to Strengthen My Tooth Enamel?
Article Name
What Can I Do to Strengthen My Tooth Enamel?
Gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues can all impact the health of your enamel. Whatever it is, getting treatment may be able to help protect your enamel from further damage.